Early diagnosis is the key to preventing and treating illnesses or broken bones. By sending a small, carefully controlled amount of radiation through a certain part of your body, X-rays capture important images of the inside of your body. These images provide your physician with the necessary information to make a diagnosis and determine treatment.
Digital Fluoroscopy uses X-rays to capture images of an organ while it is moving and functioning, such as the movement of food through the intestinal tract. It is most commonly used to analyze the digestive tract or to aid in catheterization. A contrast medium such as barium is used to help aid the visualization.
Exam Descriptions
In Digital Fluoroscopy, a moveable X-ray apparatus extends over a large table, sending real-time images of your body to a television monitor.
It is commonly used to examine:
- The digestive system to help detect problems in the throat, stomach, intestines and colon.
- The head to detect skull fractures, trauma to the face or head, and sinus infections.
- The chest to evaluate circulation and analyze diseases of the heart and lungs.
- The urinary system to detect problems in the kidneys, ureters, and bladder.
- Bones and joints to help detect fractures, dislocations, arthritis, and monitors the healing process.
- Arthrograms to evaluate joints (often in conjunction with MRI).

Preparation and what to expect during the procedure:
It will be determined if you need an exam kit. If it is indicated, please pick up your kit 2 days prior to your exam. You must begin your prep 24 hours in advance. There is no additional charge for the kit.
Upper GI/Small Bowel Series
- No food or drink for 6 hours prior to exam.
Barium Enema
- No food or drink for 8 hours prior to exam. Clear liquid diet is required for 24 hours prior to exam. A bowel preparation kit is necessary.
IVP (Kidneys)
- No food or drink after midnight prior to your exam. A bowel preparation kit is necessary.
- Must not be pregnant
- An HSG is performed 7-10 days after the first day of the patient’s last period. If the exam is for essure confirmation, it should be done 3 months post-op.
- Iodinated contrast is used.
- Must be off anti-depressants for 48 hours.
- No food or drink 2 hours prior to exam, except water and required medication.
- Patients should keep hydrated.
- You will be required to have a driver after your exam.
- You must remain at RDC for 2-4 hours after the injection for observation after exam.